Syzygy Tile

Syzygy Tile
The Right Word • The Right Time • The Right Place • The Right People • The Right Product
SYZ·Y·GY [siz-i-jee] The straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies (as the Sun, Moon, and Earth during a solar or lunar eclipse) in a gravitational system. Syzygy was established in October 1993 on the night of a lunar eclipse, a syzygy.
Syzygy is located in Historic Downtown Silver City, New Mexico in the southwest corner of the state; a high desert region (at 6200 feet in elevation) bordering the Gila National Forest and the Aldo Leopold Wilderness, our nation's first designated wilderness area.
Lee Gruber and David del Junco's combined talents created and launched Syzygy Tile. Their dedicated artisans work to produce innovative design for a truly hand made, aesthetically pleasing product that is durable, environmentally safe and benefits the local community artistically, economically and environmentally. Our goal is to keep the hand made craftsman tradition alive in the production of our beautiful tile.
Syzygy Tile is Timeless, Sophisticated and Distinctive.
Click here to visit Syzygy Tile's full website